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 Proto-Turkic Altaic etymology Meaning Russian meaning Old Turkic Karakhanid Turkish Tatar Middle Turkic Uzbek Uighur Sary-Yughur Azerbaidzhan Turkmen Khakassian Shor Oyrat Halaj Chuvash Yakut Dolgan Tuva Tofalar Kirghiz Kazakh Noghai Bashkir Balkar Gagauz Karaim Karakalpak Salar Kumyk Comments
face="Times New Roman Star"*bal/c?face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"headface="Times New Roman Star"головаface="Times New Roman Star"bas? (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"bas? (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas? (Abush., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"bo|s?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"pasface="Times New Roman Star"pas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"pos/face="Times New Roman Star"bas; battaq 'hair of head'face="Times New Roman Star"bas; battak 'head of reindeer; reindeer skin'face="Times New Roman Star"ba's?face="Times New Roman Star"ba's?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"basface="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"basface="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"bas?face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 64, ЭСТЯ 2, 85-88, TMN 2, 250-253, EDT 375-6, Федотов 1, 452, Ашм. X, 15, Лексика 194, Stachowski 54, 55.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAldakface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 hilt 2 stalk, stemface="Times New Roman Star"1 рукоятка 2 стебель, ствол

face="Times New Roman Star"baldak 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1 (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bo|ldo|q 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"baldaq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 60, ЭСТЯ 2, 52. Similar forms of the type *balc?ak may be borrowed from Mong., while WMong. baldag|, bardag|, Khalkha baldag, bardag, Mongor bardaG 'hilt' are rather < Turkic.
face="Times New Roman Star"*baldyrface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"beginning of the spring season, lambing seasonface="Times New Roman Star"начало весеннего сезона, сезона рождения ягнят
face="Times New Roman Star"baldyr (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"baldi(r) (dial.: УДС 23) 'last year'

face="Times New Roman Star"The root tends to mix with *byldur 'last year', but is explicitly distinguished by MK (as baldyr vs. byldyr).
face="Times New Roman Star"*ba.lgynface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 tamarisk, 2 viburnumface="Times New Roman Star"1 тамариск 2 калина
face="Times New Roman Star"bulg|una, (dial.) malg|una (MK) 1
face="Times New Roman Star"balan 2
face="Times New Roman Star"balxi 'white mulberry'face="Times New Roman Star"balan 2 (РУС 1956)
face="Times New Roman Star"palan 2 (R)face="Times New Roman Star"balxy 'a k. of white mulberry'
face="Times New Roman Star"palan 2 (R)face="Times New Roman Star"balan 2
face="Times New Roman Star"(palan < Tat.), (*polan > Mari polan 2)face="Times New Roman Star"bylax 'white willow; willow branches as fodder'

face="Times New Roman Star"balg|yn 1 'a k. of bush similar to z?ylg|yn'

face="Times New Roman Star"balan 2face="Times New Roman Star"balan 2 (Karach.)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 338, ЭСТЯ 2, 52, VEWT 59, 324, Дмитр. 189, 201. Turk. > Mong. balg|u, balg|una 'tamarisk'. Forms like balxy may be secondarily modified ('Balkh mulberry'), but in any case not < Iranian.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAlygface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"woundedface="Times New Roman Star"раненыйface="Times New Roman Star"balyg| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"balyg| (MK, KB)

face="Times New Roman Star"palyg|face="Times New Roman Star"palyg|face="Times New Roman Star"balu

face="Times New Roman Star"balyg|face="Times New Roman Star"balyg|

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 53, EDT 335, ЭСТЯ 2, 88-89. Turk. > Bur. bala 'bruise, injury'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAlk-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to shine, glitterface="Times New Roman Star"сверкать, сиять

face="Times New Roman Star"balk- (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-face="Times New Roman Star"(MKypch., Xwar.) balqy-(CCum., AH, Qutb)

face="Times New Roman Star"balqylda-

face="Times New Roman Star"malqyl, malG|yl 'bright, shining'

face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-
face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-

face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-
face="Times New Roman Star"balqy-face="Times New Roman Star"ЭСТЯ 2, 56-57.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAlkaface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"hammerface="Times New Roman Star"молоток

face="Times New Roman Star"balg|a (Sib.)
face="Times New Roman Star"balg|a (Chag.)

face="Times New Roman Star"balg|a

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 61, ЭСТЯ 2, 57-58. Turk. > Mong. balg|u, balig (KW 31).
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAl/-makface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"boot, shoeface="Times New Roman Star"ботинок, обувь
face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq (MK Oghuz), bas?aq (MK Chigil), bas?maq (IM)face="Times New Roman Star"bas?mak, pas?makface="Times New Roman Star"bas?maqface="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq (Sangl., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"dial. (Khorazm) bas?-lyq 'heel-piece of a boot'

face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maGface="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq, pas?maq ("heel of a camel; boot")

face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq-ta- 'to sole (a boot)'
face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maqface="Times New Roman Star"bas?maqface="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq

face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maq
face="Times New Roman Star"bas?maqface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 382-383, ЭСТЯ 2, 93-95, ОСНЯ 3 69, TMN 2, 293-294. Doerfer's inner etymology (bas?mak with vowel elision < *bas?a-mak from *bas?a- 'to cut, make notches') is impossible: bas?a- is derived from *ba:l/(c?) 'wound' with a long vowel, while bas?mak has a short one.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bal/tarface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"sickleface="Times New Roman Star"серп
face="Times New Roman Star"bas?tar (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 378.
face="Times New Roman Star"*baltuface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"axeface="Times New Roman Star"топорface="Times New Roman Star"baltu (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"baldu (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"baltu (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"bo|lta

face="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"paltaface="Times New Roman Star"palty; malta (Sag.)face="Times New Roman Star"maltaface="Times New Roman Star"malta

face="Times New Roman Star"balta, baltysax 'arrow with blunt end'
face="Times New Roman Star"ba'ldy (Бичелдей 112)
face="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"balta
face="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"balta
face="Times New Roman Star"baltaface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 61, EDT 333, Лексика 397, ЭСТЯ 7. Modern forms with -a may in fact be secondary loans from Mong., see TMN 1, 199-200. Yak. baltysax can be probably identified with Turkm. balz?|ak, Tur. balc?ak '(sword)-hilt'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ban/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"fatface="Times New Roman Star"жир

face="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"maj (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"mo|jface="Times New Roman Star"maj

face="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"sar-maj 'butter' (Sag.)
face="Times New Roman Star"maj

face="Times New Roman Star"as-majax (Пек.)

face="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"maj

face="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"maj
face="Times New Roman Star"majface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 322, Лексика 453-454.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ban/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to wave 2 to sway 3 club-footed 4 curved 5 to bend 6 to be bent, curvedface="Times New Roman Star"1 махать 2 качаться 3 косолапый, кривоногий 4 кривой 5 гнуть 6 гнуться, быть согнутым
face="Times New Roman Star"maj-g|uq 3 (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"majruq 3, 4 (Abush., Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"majriq 3, dial. bajmaq 3 (R)face="Times New Roman Star"majmaq 3

face="Times New Roman Star"majyr- 5, majryq 'overstrained', maj-tyq 3, majmyq 4
face="Times New Roman Star"majryq 3, majryl- 6face="Times New Roman Star"majryq 4, 3

face="Times New Roman Star"baja:tyn|- 2, baja:ttan|na:- 1 (Пек. - without nasalization), dial. majg|ax 'convolution'
face="Times New Roman Star"majys?-qaq 4, majyryq, maj-ta-q 3
face="Times New Roman Star"majryj-, majys?- 6, maj-tar- 5, majryq 3, majmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"majys- 6, majyr- 5, majryq 3, majmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"majys- 6, majyr- 5

face="Times New Roman Star"majys?- 6face="Times New Roman Star"majys- 6, majmaq 3
face="Times New Roman Star"majyr- 'to wrench', majs?aj- 'to mis-step', majmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"See ОСHЯ 3, 45-46. Turk. *ban/y-guk > WMong. majig|ag|, Kalm. ma":g|@g| (KW 259) 'club-footed'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bA:n/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 sole (of foot) 2 footwearface="Times New Roman Star"1 подошва (ноги) 2 обувь (войлочные чулки, валенки)

face="Times New Roman Star"maja 'fleshy part of the palm' (Vidin, Ne/meth 1965, SDD)face="Times New Roman Star"majmaq 'stable, steadfast' (of an animal's paw, hoof), dial. pajpaq (КСТТ) 2
face="Times New Roman Star"pajpo|q 2, 'camel's foot', dial. mъj@l@k 'mitten' (Фармонов 19)

face="Times New Roman Star"dial. maja 'подошва копыта' (Nakhich.)face="Times New Roman Star"dial. ma:ja (Tek.) 'aja' (ТДГДС 124), pajpaq (144) 2face="Times New Roman Star"majmax 2

face="Times New Roman Star"majyq 1
face="Times New Roman Star"bajmaq 'lower part of shank', bajpaq 2, majpyq 'flat' (of a horse's hoof, bear's paw)face="Times New Roman Star"bajpaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"bajpaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 323. Cf. also Oyr. majryk 'стаптываться' etc. Forms with the meaning 'footwear' are explained by Budagov as compounds with an iranism (paj - bag| "foot bandage"), which does not seem convincing; we are dealing rather with a dialectal diffusion of the derivative *ba:n/-mak. Cf. TMN 4, 275, Шипова 49, Аникин 110, 382, 458.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ban/ak-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"white-fishface="Times New Roman Star"сиг

face="Times New Roman Star"majag|as (Пек.)

face="Times New Roman Star"*bAn/akface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"dungface="Times New Roman Star"навозface="Times New Roman Star"majaq (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"majaq, bajnaq (MK, Oghuz XI c.)

face="Times New Roman Star"majaq

face="Times New Roman Star"myjaqface="Times New Roman Star"myjaq

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 322, 336, EDT 350.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAn/y-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 hare 2 marmotface="Times New Roman Star"1 заяц 2 сурок

face="Times New Roman Star"bajbaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"majc?yq 1
face="Times New Roman Star"molgas//c?

face="Times New Roman Star"bajbaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ЭСТЯ 7, under *majmak 'club-footed', Сетаров 1970. The traditional etymology of Chuv. (Федотов 1, 362, Егоров 134-135) from an unattested Udm. *mu 'earth' + lud kec? 'field hare' is quite incredible: the Chuv. form is well explained < *ban/y-l-kac? (a diminutive). {Chuv. may be rather < **byn/l/(yk) q. v.}
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAn/y-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to fade away, disappear, weakenface="Times New Roman Star"исчезать, слабеть
face="Times New Roman Star"majys?- (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bajy-l-

face="Times New Roman Star"bajyl-
face="Times New Roman Star"majyl-

face="Times New Roman Star"bajla-
face="Times New Roman Star"bajy-

face="Times New Roman Star"bajyl-face="Times New Roman Star"bajyl-

face="Times New Roman Star"ОСНЯ 2, 50, EDT 773, ЭСТЯ 7.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ba.ny- ? *bony-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"big, largeface="Times New Roman Star"большой

face="Times New Roman Star"mъw|nъw|

face="Times New Roman Star"Федотов 1, 349.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAn/ylface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"overripeface="Times New Roman Star"перезрелый
face="Times New Roman Star"majyl, majyl- 'to become overripe' (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 772. Cf. also Oyr. mync?yk 'musty'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bAnuface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"wild catface="Times New Roman Star"дикая кошкаface="Times New Roman Star"manu (OUygh.)

face="Times New Roman Star"manul

face="Times New Roman Star"many

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 767. Turk. > Kalm. manl, Dag. manu: (Тод. Даг. 153) (probably contaminated with Mong. proper malur < *malul q. v. sub *ma/l/e). Uygh. molun 'wild cat' may be a mongolism.
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